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How to Unsubscribe

Unsubscribing from emails can be done through two methods: an online form or by sending a blank email.

Unsubscribe via Online Form

Please enter your email address here and click the "停止 (Block address)" button.

Unsubscribe by Sending a Blank Email

You can stop the email forwarding feature by sending a blank email to the Return-Path address of the received email.

Replying to the From address does not guarantee the cessation of email delivery.


  1. Open the email you wish to unsubscribe from in your inbox.
  2. Check the email header information and find the Return-Path address.
  3. Compose a new email and set the Return-Path address as the recipient.
  4. Send the email with both the subject and body left blank.


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tts.quest 開発者 さんが10ヶ月前に更新 · 3件の履歴 ロック中